Exciting IT Competition for young cadres, civil servants and public employees of Phu Yen province in 2024

Saturday - 24/08/2024 05:45
On the morning of August 23, 2024, the 2024 Informatics Competition for young cadres, civil servants and public employees of Phu Yen province officially took place at Duy Tan High School. The competition was organized by the Department of Information and Communications in coordination with the Provincial Informatics Association. Attending were comrades: Le Ty Khanh, Deputy Director of the Department of Information and Communications, Head of the Organizing Committee; Pham Huy Van, Deputy Director of the Department of Education and Training; Pham Thi Vinh Binh, Deputy Head of the Provincial Youth Union Movement Committee.
Mr. Le Ty Khanh, Deputy Director of the Department of Information and Communications, Head of the Organizing Committee of the Contest, awarded first prizes to the contestants.
Mr. Le Ty Khanh, Deputy Director of the Department of Information and Communications, Head of the Organizing Committee of the Contest, awarded first prizes to the contestants.
This year's contest has 62 contestants who are officials, civil servants, public employees and workers at state agencies and public service units under the age of 35.

The contestants went through the following sections: Knowledge and practical skills meeting the IT skills standards according to Circular No. 03/2014/TT-BTTTT dated March 11, 2014 of the Minister of Information and Communications on Regulations on IT skills standards; Microsoft Office 2016 skills according to international standards. The contest contents are divided into 3 contest boards: MOS Excel, MOS PowerPoint, MOS Word.
At the end of the contest, the Organizing Committee awarded 3 first prizes to the contestants: Le Tan Thoai (first place in MOS Excel); Truong Minh Huy (first place in MOS PowerPoint) and Nguyen Quoc Viet (first place in MOS Word). The Organizing Committee also awarded 03 second prizes, 05 third prizes, 06 consolation prizes to contestants in 03 competition categories.
The IT competition for young cadres, civil servants and public employees in Phu Yen province is held annually to create a healthy playground for young cadres, civil servants and public employees to have the opportunity to exchange, learn, exchange and consolidate knowledge and skills in information technology; contributing to improving work efficiency, promoting the process of administrative reform, and building e-government.


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General introduction

General introduction: The Information Technology and Communications Center is a public service unit under the Department of Information and Communications of Phu Yen; has legal status, its own seal, its own account, and covers a portion of its operating costs. The Center has the function of...


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